Friday, January 25, 2008

I've arrived!

After a very long and hectic couple of weeks, I've arrived in Bolivia! I am planning on spending 1 month here and then move on to Sydney, Australia for about 10 days. Pretty nice! This is kind of like my last hurrah before starting fellowship this summer. Anyway, yesterday was a long day of traveling. It started at 5:30 am traveling out into the subzero weather to make it to the airport. The traveling itself went so smoothly, everything seemed to be going my way. Nice seats by the window. Arrived in Miami with plenty of time to get to the next gate and have my seat changed to one closer to the front. I even met a friendly Bolivian on the flight down that lives in Chicago and is going home for carnaval. He gave me plenty of advice on things I should see and do in Bolivia. It's beautiful down here! I am staying in a house built by one of my attendings. It's awesome. Definetely in one of the better neighborhoods, so we are not really roughing it while we live in the city. I realize that I love the smell of the tropics. As soon as I got off of the plane, I could smell it. It's like a mix between humidity, green grass and flowers. Today is just a day of relaxing. Tomorrow I make my way to the rural clinic.


Pablo said...

Awesome! Congrats on the trip and starting the blog! Can't wait to hear more!!

Pablo said...

Love the blog name BTW!

mark said...

Congrats! I followed your comment from Pablo's blog. Welcome to the blog world!

Dana said...

So what's the fellowship? Weren't you talking Pulm for a while? Are you just doing adults or kids as well for that?

Good call on doing some work out of the country for a while. I wish I would have done more when I still could, but got a couple months in Australia during med school. Have fun!

wandering scrubs said...

hi mark and dana, congrats on caroline. she´s adorable! so i´m going to do pulm/crit care adult fellowship, but will do some electives at children´s. Hopefully I´ll end up doing some fusion ped/adult pulmonary practice when i´m eventually done. 3 more years!

About Me

Chicago, IL, United States